Skills in Demand in the UK
According to the Skills Shortages in the UK Report (2019) by Prospect, employers found that more than 100,000 job vacancies were hard to fill, mostly due to skills shortages.
Another interesting conclusion of the report is that SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) struggled the most when looking for suitable candidates.
The report also lists the type of job-specific skills and transferable skills that are particularly difficult to find in different types of positions.
This highlights the need to improve the way students in universities acquire soft and specialist skills.
For ibecome, much greater internationalisation of the workforce, along with better investment in education, is part of the solution to skills shortages.
Currently, we are the only service aimed at helping successful SMEs to find the best graduates from abroad, in Britain and other countries experiencing similar issues.
These are some of the types of professions that are experiencing shortages in the UK:
Engineering is a sought-after degree in the UK, particularly, but not exclusively, Software Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering
Health Professionals
From nursers to veterinaries, doctors and dentists, there is a shortage of health workers in Britain.
Computer Scientists
Britain is an international hub for software development.
Mathematicians and Economists
The skills provided by a Maths or an Economics degree are highly demanded by employers in a great variety of sectors, including the financial industry.
There are many opportunities for newly qualified teachers in Great Britain, especially in Science disciplines.